Why Your Relationship with Food and Your Body Matters More than Ever
Free Talk with Geneen
October 3rd • 5:30 pm PT / 8:30 pm E
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During the call, Geneen will talk about:
- how to turn insight into action
- how to recognize when you are caught in the past and make a choice about living here, now
- what practices actually help you (and which ones don't)
- the importance of [the right kind of] support
- the key and very different decisions that permitters and restrictors can make with food (because they are different)
- the unequivocal, delicious freedom that is always possible
Geneen would love to hear from you before next Wednesday with your questions and comments. So, think about what you'd like to ask or tell, and write to Geneen at: askgeneen@geneenroth.com
To listen LIVE streaming online, click here:
To listen by phone: 1-425-440-5010 Call Code: 630747# (enter when prompted)
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