October 7 - 9, 2016
Kripalu Center
Stockbridge, MA
End the Struggle. During this 3-day intensive, you will learn the tools of inquiry, body-sensing, meditation and Geneen's Eating Guidelines that are the basis of the journey itself. Rather than getting rid of your conflicted relationship with food, you will become aware of what's standing in your way. You will learn to welcome what is already here, contact the part of yourself that is fresh and alive, and live the life you truly want.
In a safe and supportive environment, you will:
Understand Why the Shape of Your Body Obeys the Shape of Your Beliefs. We starve and stuff, we binge and diet. Not just with food, but with our very life force. But a belief is just a thought you’ve thunk thousands of time; it is not necessarily true. Learn to identify these limiting beliefs and explore what is true now.
Learn Geneen's Eating Guidelines. Not a diet, not a set of rules, these Guidelines help you to listen to your body, treat it with loving kindness, and feed it what it truly wants.
Discover a Step-by-Step Process to Silence The Voice. If beating yourself up with the inner critic in your head led to change, you'd already be perfect. Learn how to separate from that Voice and treat yourself with love and kindness.
Discover How to Understand and Work Through Life Problems. No feeling or situation is unworkable. Not heartbreak, not grief, not sadness, not loneliness, not anger. Anything can be felt, sensed, worked through. By inquiring into feelings and beliefs, you can look into and see what is really beneath those compulsions. One taste of this direct knowing and nothing can ever be the same.
This 3-day workshop in the beautiful countryside location at Kripalu will fill quickly. Don't miss Geneen's only East Coast Workshop in 2016.
I’m interested in learning more about the retreat, esp. the accommodations. I am a very light sleeper and to be at my best I need at least 8 hours of sleep. Are the rooms single occupancy. I could not tell from the information provided. Thanks. Natalie