Be Your Authentic Self: Michelle’s Story

I am 46 years old, a mother of four and grandmother of two.

I was very sad. Oh was I sad. I sat on the couch, didn't change clothes and intended to do that for as long as I could. I began to read Geneen’s book, Women Food and God, and I wept afterwards. I wept profusely. The food wasn't my problem. The relationship I had got out of years earlier was my problem. I was devastated.

At the end of the book I understood that I am made in God's image and asked myself: why am I treating myself so badly? If God walked up to my door, what would I feed him? Would I serve him McDonald's or would I prepare a meal? I'D PREPARE A MEAL! I'd take my time. I'd make sure everything was perfect. If I would do that for God, why wouldn't I do that for myself. If I wouldn't serve God junk, why would I put junk in my body? If the food doesn't look right or I don't feel good after eating it, why would I eat it? If I know a hamburger makes my stomach hurt, why am I continually eating it? It's not honoring God. It's not honoring myself.

I deserve so many great things so, how, I treat myself well. I am now the founder of my own marketing firm. I don't disrespect myself. I don't allow myself to be disrespected and I do the same to others. Respecting God is respecting yourself.

When people ask me how to get rid of the weight or their stomach, I tell them: Women Food and God.

It's a choice. I don't sacrifice or hold back on fine foods. I eat well. I can eat late occasionally and I don't worry about it because I know how my body is and what I need for my body.

When you start feeling better, the weight will be an afterthought.

Never let the "other stuff" stay inside. It's not about your weight. It's about how you feel about yourself as an individual, as a woman, as a man, as a parent, as a person, as a child of God. Be your authentic self and the weight will fall off.
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