This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide

Thoughtful and enchanting, humorous and compassionate, Geneen Roth’s This Messy Magnificent Lifeis a provocative exploration of the personal beliefs, hidden traumas, and social pressures that shape not just women’s feelings about their bodies, but also their confidence, choices, and relationships.
From the beginning, Geneen Roth was told she was too sensitive, too emotional, too curious, too demanding,too intense, and too big. Yet gaining and losing weight for decades did not improve her self-worth or reduce others’ criticisms. Like most women who struggle with their weight, she believed that if she could resolve what seemed to be the source of her self-hatred she would be thin, happy, and free. When Geneen’s struggle with food ended - she kept trying to fix other broken parts of herself with therapy, intensive meditation retreats, and rigorous spiritual practices. Yet it was only when Geneen stopped trying to change herself - that she was at last able to feel at home in her mind, body, and life. This Messy Magnificent Life shares the wisdom of giving up what she calls the Me Project and finding the freedom, peace,and power that await us just beyond it.
Based on Geneen’s personal journey and her decades of work with thousands of women across the country, This Messy Magnificent Life is an outstretched hand to finding peace, making wise choices, practicing everyday joy, and an invitation to step into your power.
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Women Food and God

The way you eat is inseparable from your core beliefs about being alive. No matter how sophisticated or wise or enlightened you believe you are, how you eat tells all. The world is on your plate. When you begin to understand what prompts you to use food as a way to numb or distract yourself, the process takes you deeper into realms of spirit and to the bright center of your own life. Rather than getting rid of or instantly changing your conflicted relationship with food, Women Food and God is about welcoming what is already here, and contacting the part of yourself that is already whole — divinity itself.
"This is a hugely important work, a life-changer, one that will free untold women from the tyranny of fear and hopelessness around their bodies. Beautifully written, a joy to read, rich in both revelation and great humor."
— Anne Lamott, author of Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith
"Geneen Roth does it again! Women Food and God is absolutely mesmerizing. And loaded with insights which can change your life."
— Christiane Northrup, MD, ob/gyn physician and author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
"Women Food and God is daring, dazzling, funny, comforting, wise and profoundly spiritual. It maps the journey from the darkness of obsession to the pure sense of being in prose so insightful and astonishing it left me breathless. Geneen Roth is an international treasure, and her new book is a gift to us all."
— Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. author of Five Wishes and Conscious Loving
"Geneen Roth has written an extraordinary book—at once beautiful, moving, funny and searing. Most important, she gives us a practical way to use our bodies — along with some of the most difficult parts of our emotional lives — as gracious and transformative portals to our soul."
— Rick Foster, co-author of Happiness & Health and How We Choose to Be Happy
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Lost and Found

New York Times bestselling author Geneen Roth galvanized millions of readers with Women Food and God, a book that drew upon Roth’s thirty years of teaching about the charged relationship between food and our inner lives. Her deeply compassionate and insightful approach to some of the most painful issues surrounding eating revolutionized the way women perceive their life-long battles with weight. Now she turns her attention to the other great secret in American culture: our conflicted relationship with money.
Precipitated by the loss of her entire life savings in the Bernard Madoff scandal, Roth took a hard look at her own habits — and realized that there were direct parallels between her relationship with food and money: binge-shopping followed by periods of budgetary self-deprivation, “treating” herself in ways that ultimately failed to sustain, and using money as a substitute for love. She discovered a haunted and compulsive quality in her relationship with money – and faced with a crisis, she needed to find out why. What she learned was a revelation.
"A compelling, gorgeously written, searing, funny, and utterly inspiring book. You won't be able to put Lost and Found down and when you've finished it, your relationship with money will never be the same."
— Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money
"Roth builds on her life's work of demystifying her food obsession in offering a provocative and penetrating examination of personal relationships to money. Losing her entire life's savings in the Madoff collapse catalyzes a painful but priceless insight: unconscious relationships with money are akin to relationships with food.
In doing so, Roth teaches by example the transformative power of awareness. With compassion and humor she dismantles unconscious compulsions that bespeak an inner poverty, dissipating what she calls the 'trance of deficiency' that hijacks financial relationships and self-worth. Fans familiar with the heart and wisdom that infuses Roth's candid writing style and makes her books memorable won't be disappointed."
— Publisher's Weekly
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When Food Is Love

In this moving and intimate book, Geneen Roth, shows how dieting and compulsive eating often become a substitute for intimacy. Drawing on painful personal experience as well as the candid stories of those she has helped in her seminars, Roth examines the crucial issues that surround compulsive eating: need for control, dependency on melodrama, desire for what is forbidden, and the belief that one wrong move can mean catastrophe. She shows why many people overeat in an attempt to satisfy their emotional hunger, and why weight loss frequently just uncovers a new set of problems. But her welcome message is that the cycle of compulsive behavior can be stopped. This book will help readers break destructive, self-perpetuating patterns and learn to satisfy all the hungers — physical and emotional — that make us human.
"A life-changing book."
— Oprah Winfrey
"An elegant portrayal of the relationship between eating and intimacy. Geneen Roth's personal sharing is poignant, an act of courage, and a model for healing."
— Claudia Black, author of It Will Never Happen to Me
"Persuasive and perceptive."
— Philadelphia Inquirer
"This book has given me...a way to heal and a way to go on. I owed Geneen Roth my life for Breaking Free — now I owe her my future."
— Gloria Naylor, author of The Women of Brewster Place
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The Craggy Hole in My Heart and the Cat Who Fixed It

"Wise, loving, tough and tender. A beautiful book. Geneen knows how to nourish the heart!"
--Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart
"This is a totally brilliant book-beautiful and fierce and sweet and at times, very funny. Geneen Roth walks boldly, bravely into the excruciating truth of love's losses, and life's losses, and the healing gift of an open heart. She renders each moment of this tale with illumination and flair, astonishing psychological and spiritual insight, and gorgeous writing. I was utterly blown away."
— Anne Lamott, author of Operating Instructions and Traveling Mercies
"What can you say about a book that has a cat for a guru, the death of a father, a wedding, several myth-sized mothers, and a spiritually alive author? Read it, laugh with it, and become a little more of a human being."
— Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Dark Nights of the Soul
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Breaking Free from Emotional Eating

Breaking Free From Emotional Eating teaches that there is an end to the anguish of compulsive emotional eating — and this book tells how to achieve it. Geneen Roth, who has brought understanding and acceptance to tens of thousands of readers, outlines a proven program for resolving the conflicts at the root of eating disorders. Using simple techniques developed in her highly successful seminars, she offers reassuring practical advice and many tools and strategies to help you break the binge-diet cycle forever.
Based on the principles taught in Geneen Roth's nationwide workshops, it is a how-to program that works; a guide book to be used for daily support, direction and encouragement. This book gives tools you can use in your day-to-day life in your search for help with emotional overeating.
"Back in the early 90′s I read the book that changed my life forever: Breaking Free from Emotional Eating! I still have the original, and always have another on hand to give to friends. Once in a while I feel emotional eating coming back to me, so I pull out one of your books. Just yesterday I read a few pages of Feeding the Hungry Heart, and again appreciated your teachings. Thank you. I’m sorry I’ve waited so long!" — E. M.M., March 2013
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Feeding the Hungry Heart

This is how Geneen Roth remembers her time as an emotional overeater and self-starver. After years of struggle, Roth finally broke free from the destructive cycle of bingeing and purging. In the two decades since her triumph, she has gone on to help tens of thousands of others do the same through her lectures, workshops, and retreats. Those she has met during this time have shared stories that are both heartrending and inspiring, which Roth has gathered for this unique book.
Twenty years after its original publication, Feeding the Hungry Heart continues to inspire women and men, helping them win the battle against a hunger that goes deeper than a need for food.
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When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a Chair

Why is feeling fat as common among size four women as among size sixteen's? Why should you carry a chunk of chocolate everywhere? What is the "suffering contest," and why is losing it so important? When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull up a Chair is bestselling author Geneen Roth's witty tell-all about the secret ways we sabotage ourselves every day, as well as an inspired book on how we can learn to live, love and celebrate life no matter what.
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Appetites: On the Search for True Nourishment

Roth speaks of issues that, chauvinism aside, only women can truly understand and identify with. In the past, her books were about food, weight, dieting, and the almost universal obsession that women have with their bodies and self-esteem. Now her canvas of introspection and discussion has expanded: eight chapters examine the nature of women's friendships, the craving to be famous, the longing for safety, and the search for a parallel life (or the perfect fantasy), among other topics. Based on intensely personal experiences, written with intensely emotional and intellectually probing prose, Roth's book pushes far beyond the issue of weight to ask what will make women happy. Her not-so-easy answers, divined from decades of therapy, of experiential beingness, of Buddhist practice, will speak to many.
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Why Weight? A Guide to Ending Compulsive Eating

This remarkable guided workbook shows emotional eaters — in a constructive, non-judgmental way — how to stop using food as a substitute for handling difficult emotions or situations, and how to enjoy eating and still lose weight naturally. By using the liberating exercises and techniques developed by Geneen Roth in her highly successful workshops, dieters, who've tried every conceivable diet — losing weight again and again, only to gain it back — and bingers, who are harming their health, can learn wholesome, beneficial ways to achieve their goals. This proven program offers concrete, constructive, reassuring guidelines and helps you peel back the layers of your emotional eating until you get to the very heart of the matter. This workbook will allow you to work alone, at your own pace, or as a guide for support groups.