Do you ever walk into the kitchen and totally forget why you're there? That's a sign that your mind is not in the same place as your body. It's off, thinking about a different place, time or thing. And you miss the moment. In this clip from the Women, Weight and Power workshop, Geneen talks about showing up every day in your life, instead of continually jumping ahead to the next to-do on the list. Because if you are not present, you miss your one precious life.
Want to learn more? Take a leap and Join Geneen on retreat, November 5-10, 2019 at Mount Madonna Center in Watsonville, CA. Immersed in an environment of continual support, you learn the mechanics of eating without compulsion and being radically kind to yourself. You experience first hand what it feels like to end the suffering and being fully alive. And, since Geneen offers so many avenues of support after the retreat, you are confident that change can be long lasting. For more information, click here or call our retreat manager Judy at 703-401-0871. What are you waiting for?