Cheese, Chocolate and the Lies You Tell Yourself

There are so many ways I could begin this post. I could tell you about my recent spate of dark chocolate eating. I could tell you about my continuing spate of parmesan cheese eating. I could tell you again what so many doctors have told me about cancer and inflammatory foods and sugar. But here’s what I most want to say: Don’t stint on delight. Don’t keep yourself from what brings you joy. On any level.

Two friends died this past week. One suddenly. One from a cancer diagnosis that was only a month old. I know I’ve said this before but I haven’t said it enough. You never know when the last time you will: see your partner’s face, hear Yo-Yo Ma, listen to your child, talk to your mother. See the night sky. Hear a bird. Watch a leaf fall. Smell a daffodil. Eat a piece of chocolate. Or cheese.

And yes, and always, if it makes you sick, don’t eat it.

If it takes your energy down, stay away from it. Not because it’s bad or wrong but because why take a single moment away from what could be a life lived with sheer delight?

Take care of your jewel of a body. It’s what allows you to taste, smell, see, touch.

The only thing that is keeping you, keeping me from spending our lives fizzing in wonder is the belief that we’re wrong, we’re bad, we shouldn’t, we can’t, we’re not enough. The belief that suffering is noble. That if it feels good, we shouldn’t do it. The belief that we need to pay for our time here.

See those as lies you tell and retell yourself. See those as conclusions you came to when you didn’t know better. And then break the trance and eat a papaya.


You can learn a whole new way to relate to food – and explore the foundation upon which you build your life and your relationships – at my next retreat, November 14-17. Four days of immersion in constant support, endless kindness and ever present awareness. Such a blessing. Once you know those things are possible for you, you can never go back to believing that they're not. To find out more, click here.