I was in a sort of melancholic mood …

(not that unusual for me first thing in the morning) and did my usual practice: asking myself what's not wrong. Listing the not-wrong things: That I could see, talk, breathe, walk. That I know Matt. That izzy our dog (see below) makes me laugh constantly. Work I love. Reading what all of you write. And I remembered the piece about awe that a friend sent awhile ago, and since I couldn't find it in my inbox, I might as well try to say how it affected me. It reminded me that that there is always always something to be in awe about, even if it's just that the sun came up this morning. That we have a friend, even one. Awe, it seems, knocks out the usual neural circuits and allows us to be bowled over with wow's. So, today, I'm remembering to be in awe of even the smallest things. Birdsong. Polka dot sweaters. Dogs with red bows and squeaky toys. Joy to and for you all...

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