Your relationship to food is inseparable from your core beliefs about being alive. No matter how sophisticated, wise, or enlightened you believe you are, how you eat tells all. If you want to understand and change your beliefs about abundance, scarcity, deprivation, relaxation, kindness, and what you deserve to give yourself, the world is on your plate. When you begin to understand what prompts you to eat when you aren't hungry, the process takes you deeper into realms of spirit to the bright center of your own life.
End the Struggle. In this workshop, you will learn the tools of inquiry, body-sensing, meditation, and Geneen's Eating Guidelines that are the basis of the journey itself. Rather than getting rid of your conflicted relationship with food, you will become aware of what's standing in your way. You will learn to welcome what is already here, contact the part of yourself that is fresh and alive, and live the life you truly want. In a safe and supportive environment, you will: Understand Why the Shape of Your Body Obeys the Shape of Your Beliefs. We starve and stuff, we binge and diet. Not just with food, but with our very life force. But a belief is just a thought you’ve thunk thousands of time; it is not necessarily true. Learn to identify these limiting beliefs and explore what is true now. Learn Geneen's Eating Guidelines. Not a diet, not a set of rules, these Guidelines help you to listen to your body, treat it with loving kindness, and feed it what it truly wants. Discover a Step-by-Step Process to Silence The Voice. If beating yourself up with the inner critic in your head led to change, you'd already be perfect. Learn how to separate from that Voice and treat yourself with love and kindness. Discover How to Understand and Work Through Life Problems. No feeling or situation is unworkable. Not heartbreak, not grief, not sadness, not loneliness, not anger. Anything can be felt, sensed, worked through. By inquiring into feelings and beliefs, you can look into and see what is really beneath those compulsions. One taste of this direct knowing and nothing can ever be the same. You can do it! You can rescue yourself. No matter how you feel, no matter what you believe about your competence or your worth or your capacity to love and be loved, you can change. Join Geneen for these two transformative days and learn to welcome what is already here, already whole—your unique divine self.
Logistical Information
Friday, June 28: — 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday, June 29: — 9:00am - 4:30pm
Sofitel San Francisco
223 Twin Dolphin Drive, REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA 94065
Phone: 1-(650) 598-9000
If you are traveling from out of town, accommodations are available at the Sofitel Hotel. Special Room Rate: $99/night (limited availability, book your room early).
The Sofitel San Francisco offers superbly appointed accommodations in tranquil surroundings, and is ideally situated between San Francisco and San José, just minutes from San Francisco Airport. The hotel offers an outdoor pool, a fully equipped workout room, and high-speed Internet access.
Call the Hotel Directly at 1-650-598-9000 to reserve your room and ask for the reduced rates for "Geneen Roth Workshop 2013". Reserve early. The reduced rate is available only while rooms last.
Complimentary self-parking at the hotel is available for all participants. Valet parking is available at $8 per day or $12 per night. Women Food and God Workshop Geneen Roth & Associates, Inc. 13060 Taylorstown Road, Lovettsville, Virginia 20180 Voice: 831-685-8602 Fax: 703-852-3956 Email:
Join GENEEN ROTH for a Transformative New Workshop
Friday, June 28 — 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Saturday, June 29 — 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Sofitel San Francisco, Redwood City, California
Have questions or need additional information? Call 831-685-8602 We welcome your questions!
Register Space is limited, so register early.
Online: Click one of the links below to process your registration immediately using our secure online system.
TUITION: $295 Early Bird Rate ($345 after April 15, 2013).
Fax: Print a copy of our registration form and fax in your registration to our secure fax system at 703-852-3956.
Mail: Print a copy of our registration form and mail your registration with payment (checks made payable to “Geneen Roth & Associates, Inc.” ) to:
Geneen Roth & Associates, Inc.
13060 Taylorstown Road
Lovettsville Virgina 20180
Note: Mail registrations must be mailed by May 25, 2012.
Phone: To register by phone, call: 831-685-8602
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Cancellations must be requested in writing. Full refunds less a $75 per person cancellation fee will be given for cancellation requests received more than 10 days before the start date of the workshop (by May 31, 2012). Cancellation requests received 10 days or less before the workshop start date of June 15, 2012 are non-refundable.
Questions? Call us at 831-685-8602 or email us at: We'd love to answer your questions!