Women Food and God Online Retreat


Geneen’s work has been described as “highly-informative,” “inspiring,” and “motivating.”
But being informed and feeling inspired and motivated on their own will not bring about changes. The power of Geneen’s work lives in the specific strategies and tools that she builds into her writing and presentations. Strategies and tools that are easy to implement and highly effective, so that when you put them into practice in your daily life, you experience the changes you desire and deserve.
With this online course, you CAN easily learn how to understand and use Geneen’s Eating Guidelines, taking yourself down the path to wholeness and joy. Geneen will instruct and coach you for eight 90-minute audio sessions, as you discover the the value of the Eating Guidelines and begin to experience their benefits in your daily life. If one or more of your goals is to…

If one or more of your goals is to…

• Lose weight,
• Overcome an eating disorder,
• Enhance your relationship to those close to you,
• Feel better about yourself, or
• Anything else related to your relationship to food and eating, then…

The Geneen Roth’s Eating Guidelines Online Retreat is for you!

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“Geneen’s writing has helped me change my life dramatically, helped me find my way home after a lifetime lost on the highways and byways of food obsession. Her books have helped me find freedom after being held hostage by a distorted body image and the values of a culture that I don’t actually buy. She takes one of the most complicated and confusing and antagonistic parts of my life – my body and me, my body and food, my weight, my heart, my being – and she renders it clear and compassionate. She gently throws the lights on for me.”  Anne Lamott, author of Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.
One of the main obstacles to transforming your relationship with food and eating, and to losing weight, is not having and sticking to a time-tested, highly effective STRATEGY and implementing the specific TOOLS that will bring about the changes you desire and deserve.If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’ve discovered that diets don’t work. Or you don’t have a specific strategy to achieve your goals. Or the “tools” you’ve been using have been ineffective. Perhaps you’ve also figured out that if you continue to do what you’ve been doing, you’ll continue to get the same results. Or perhaps you’re just embarking on your journey, and you’re confused about what to do. There are so many options, and many of them offer conflicting advice.

Amongst all of these reasons about why what you’re doing isn’t working, there’s a simple truth: If you want to experience a change in your inner and outer life, you MUST begin by making a change in what you do. You must implement a time-tested strategy with the specific tools that bring about proven results.

Fortunately, by enrolling in the Eating Guidelines Online Retreat, you can learn directly from Geneen how to easily implement her seven Eating Guidelines into your daily practice, and experience the results inside and out!

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“I feel like this work was what I have been longing for since I was 14 years old and began my emotional/compulsive eating… Thank you for the work that you do. I really know that life has more beauty than I allow myself to feel…” – Carol Selman

One of the most common requests by people who’ve read Women Food And God and other books by Geneen is to clarify what each of the seven Eating Guidelines means, and how to put them to work more easily and more effectively.

With that in mind, Geneen has crafted this eight-part Eating Guidelines Online Retreat, designed to explain and clarify exactly what each Guideline means, and how to most easily put each Guideline to work in your daily life.


The Eating Guidelines are not only tools, they are the essential ingredients to a proven strategy – a SYSTEM that works to bring about changes in your life. The best thing about a proven system is that you don’t need to think about it, or believe it. You only need to believe in YOURSELF, and “do” the system. Because a system works whether you believe it will, or not – as long as you put the system into practice exactly as it was designed.

When you participate in Geneen’s eight-part Eating Guidelines Online Retreat, you’ll learn the exact meaning of each of the Guidelines (the system’s elements). PLUS, you’ll learn the best way to put them into practice in your daily life, so you get the most benefit, and so that the Eating Guidelines help you to bring about the changes you seek.

““I DID IT! Yesterday I ate when I was hungry. I refrained from eating when I was not hungry. I can barely believe I did it. I was so scared. It was like stepping out over a cliff and walking a wobbly plank across a deep ravine. It was like doing something new, something I had never done before. I suspect I have done it before, but not for years and years and years. Today I’m going to do it again. It feels like throwing away crutches and standing on wobbly legs. Here I go…” – Fiona (Online Retreat Participant)


Part 1: An Introduction to the Eating Guidelines -- In Part 1 Geneen gives an overview of the seven Eating Guidelines from physical, emotional, and spiritual perspectives. These perspectives include the hunger of the heart, your deepest desires, and what fulfillment means to you. Also included will be a way to structure your life so that the Eating Guidelines make sense in your day-to-day world.

Part 2: Eating Guideline #1 Eat When You Are Hungry -- In Part 2 Geneen answers the question: What does it mean to eat when you are hungry? Some people say, “I’m hungry all the time!” But is that real hunger? Or is that the hunger of the heart or mind or spirit? Ask yourself: “If I am not hungry for the food in front of me, what am I hungry for?” In this Part, Geneen explores the pull of “hummers and beckoners” – foods (and other desires) that pull us away from our true center.


Part 3: Eating Guideline #2 Eat Sitting Down in a Calm Environment and Eating Guideline #3 Eat Without Distractions -- In Part 3, Geneen addresses Guideline #2, which sounds simple enough, while asking: “Do you ever really do this?” What would happen if it was just you and the food? You and your thoughts? You and your feelings? If you eat when you are standing up, driving the car, or grazing in front of the refrigerator, you cannot pay attention to the taste of the food or whatever else is going on in the moment. Geneen helps you discover the importance of this practice, and coaches you to put it into practice as it’s meant to be experienced. Geneen also explores Eating Guideline #3, sharing that if you love something you pay attention to it. If you love the taste of food, and you are busy on your computer or engaged in an intense conversation, you are missing what you love. Geneen will help you explore the underlying reasons for distracting yourself, and how bring yourself back to what you love.

Part 4: Eating Guideline #4 Eat What Your Body Wants and Eating Guideline #5 Eat With Enjoyment, Gusto and Pleasure -- When people first hear Guideline #4, “Eat What Your Body Wants,” they think it means permission to binge. But eating what your body wants – not what your mind wants – is different from eating everything you never allowed yourself to eat without guilt. In Part 4, Geneen will teach you a way to experience your body and your needs differently so that you can begin to get in touch with what will sustain and nourish you. And what will support you in living the promise of yourself: Your fullest life. While you say you enjoy food, and while you say you find pleasure in what you eat, the truth is that most of us feel guilty and ashamed of what and how much we eat.


But if you are going to do something a few times a day – if you are going to spend precious minutes of your life with food – then why not utterly enjoy each of those moments? Why not revel in the pleasure and the joy of eating? Which is exactly what Geneen will also explore in this session.

Part 5: Eating Guideline #6 Eat Until You Are Satisfied and Eating Guideline #7 Eat (With the Intention of Being) in Full View of Others -- Ah, “satisfaction.” Is there ever enough? Is being stuffed to a level of discomfort being “satisfied?” In this Part, Geneen will explain what is meant by satisfaction and fullness, and the differences between physical and emotional satisfaction. She will also discuss the tendency to use food as a way to satisfy what food can never touch. And, of course, what you can do instead. In discussing Guideline #7, Geneen will explain that when you hide what and how much you eat, you are also hiding who and what you are. What you need, what you want, your true hungers. Imagine what it would be like not to hide. Not to be invisible. Not to sneak around late at night pulling Oreos out of the box while glancing over your shoulder. In this session, you will explore the first steps of living your life “out loud” and in full view.

Part 6: Fundamentals of Eating, Living and Loving -- Your relationship to food is an exact expression of your beliefs about worth, value, scarcity, abundance, and pleasure. Unless you question your beliefs, your behavior will remain the same. In this Part, Geneen introduces the everyday practices that can give you support for the rest of your life. It’s not enough to understand your situation, or to have an “Aha!” moment. For real change to happen, you must take action, and create a support system for yourself that can sustain your change. Geneen will inform, inspire and motivate you to effectively put what you learn in this Online Retreat to work in your everyday life. In this Conclusion to this Online-Retreat, Geneen will summarize and further explore the physical and spiritual dimensions of the Eating Guidelines, and how integrating them into your daily life is a path home – to your heart

Bonus Session 1: Question and Answer Session -- In this “bonus” session, Geneen will addresses the most frequently asked questions submitted by those who have taken this Online Retreat.

Bonus Session 2: Spending Guidelines -- In this special Bonus Session, Geneen shares her insights about how her Spending Guidelines affect your relationship to money and finances in exactly the same way that the “Eating Guidelines” affect your relationship to food and eating. This Bonus Session explores Geneen’s healing journey with monty as revealed in her newest New York Times #1 besteller: Lost and Found: Unexpected Revelations About Food and Money. She guides you in exploring this connection in your own life and the ability to do so from a very practical perspective.


“Geneen Roth… gives us a practical way to use our bodies – along with some of the most difficult parts of our emotional lives – as gracious and transformative portals to our soul.”- Rick Foster, co-author of Happiness & Health and How We Choose to Be Happy

The Eating Guidelines Online Retreat was Created With You In MindOne of the most frequent requests at Geneen Roth & Associates is: “Would you please explain the Eating Guidelines?”Although Geneen has written extensively about the Guidelines in her books and articles, we’re aware that sometimes your personal experience and perspective might make it difficult for you to fully understand each Guideline. For instance, your mind may be caught up in trying to support you in your desire to make changes, while also trying to KEEP YOU from making those changes, because what’s familiar seems more “comfortable” than the unknown.This Online Retreat is designed to help you break through those barriers, and experience your own freedom and your own success.

“Geneen Roth is an international treasure.” - Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. author of Five Wishes and Conscious Loving

NOW is the Time to EnrollIf you’re reading this, even though you may have some reservations, some part of you feels that it’s your time. Your time to finally do WHAT WORKS to bring about the changes you want to experience in your life. More happiness. More joy. More freedom. More of your Inner Beauty being revealed to the world.

No it’s not too late. It’s NEVER too late. There’s no better time than now to get the help and the coaching you need to turn those resolutions into reality. No better way to give yourself the gift of being supported in your quest to be the best you you can be.

Now it’s time to take action.


Register Now

“I have not sat at my table to eat for at least 7 years except if I had company (very rare). Today I was rewritting my notes from your first week’s presentation and I felt that today was the day. I sat down at my table with my lunch on a pretty plate and a cloth napkin and ate without any distraction. You are right – I am still alive and nothing awful happened to me. Your Online Retreat made this lunch possible and I thank you. Now I have the courage to do it again.” - Norma (Online Retreat Participant)

Will this “Eating Guidelines ” Self-Guided Online Retreat Really Help Me?

YES! Geneen has created this Online Retreat especially for YOU, no matter where you are on your journey toward healing your relationship with food and eating. You will gain benefit from this Retreat regardless of whether you are just discovering and acknowledging your food-related obstacles, or if you’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with them all of your life.
HOWEVER… While the content of this course will inform, inspire and motivate you, your life will NOT change if all you do is listen. IF YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO CHANGE, YOU MUST BE WILLING TO PUT THE EATING GUIDELINES TO WORK IN YOUR LIFE.

Your life will change for the better only by IMPLEMENTING what Geneen teaches and PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE in your daily life. Geneen makes that easy. When you learn their meaning and discover how to put them into daily practice, you’ll WANT to utilize them, knowing the difference that following her guidance will make in your life.

Because you’re reading this, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO MAKE POWERFUL, POSITIVE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE. You’re ready! And you’re in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.

PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT purchase this Online Retreat if you are not willing to put what you learn into practice.

All of your “knowing” and “being inspired and motivated” is essential to the process of change, but simply “learning” what Geneen teaches without putting it into practice in your life will leave you right where you are today, experiencing the undesirable emotions you’re experiencing right now.

If you’re ready to transform your relationship to food and eating and you’re willing to put the seven Eating Guidelines to work for you, this Online Retreat WILL work for you, and your life WILL change.

Each person’s journey is different, so there is no guarantee about how quickly you will experience your changes. Some students start seeing results right away; others may start experiencing noticeable changes only after they’ve listened to all eight Parts and put the Eating Guidelines into practice in their lives consistently over time. But whatever your particular timeframe, you WILL experience the kind of changes you desire and deserve when you enroll in the Eating Guidelines Online Retreat and USE WHAT YOU LEARN.

REMEMBER: You have lifetime online access to all of the audio and text files in this Online Retreat, and you can download them to your own computer. So you can listen and read each Part over and over again, and be coached and guided to put the Eating Guidelines in place in your life, to support the changes you experience forever.

You’re READY for a change. You DESERVE a more fulfilling life. NOW is the time!


“Here’s the best thing about the Online-Retreat for me: After 30+ years of not being able to keep sweets in my house (because they call and call my name until I eat them ALL), I am now able to keep cake or chocolate in my house without it torturing me or even particularly interesting me. For me, this is HUGE. Geneen said there would be a ripening, a gradual change, and I’m finding this to be true. I’m slowly becoming more mindful, listening to my body, and I feel more calm in general. I still overeat more often than not, and I’m not concerned about it – I have all the time in the world, I’m finally getting what this is about, and life is good.” - Lisa B., Online-Retreat Participant


How Much Does it Cost for the Self-Guided Online-Retreat?

In gratitude for all of the support Geneen has received recently, and out of her desire to be of service to the greatest number of people, we're offering this Self-Guided Online-Retreat at...

Only $147

You can register easily using your MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover card simply by clicking the “Order Now” button below.

Each self-guided Online Retreat includes:



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YES! I want to start using Geneen’s Eating Guidelines Online Retreat to take back control of my relationship to food and eating ... and so much more in my life.

I understand that no results are guaranteed or implied. I know that Geneen will provide me with the strategy and tools to change my life, and that ultimately I am the only person responsible for how I apply this information to my own life. By enrolling in this Online Retreat, I’m committing to putting what I learn into practice and I am acknowledging that only I am responsible for whatever results I achieve.

I understand that for the for the same reason, there will be no refunds for this Online Retreat. I’m aware that my enrollment is a “lifetime” enrollment, and that I’ll have round-the-clock online access to the course materials. Since I cannot give back the materials or what I learn, and since I want the results, whatever I don’t accomplish during this eight-week Online Retreat will remain possible for me whenever I want to return to the
course materials.


“Every Geneen Roth Workshop is a knock-your-socks-off experience.” - Annie Hancock