Thank you for signing up for Geneen's LIVE Webinar on Tuesday, November 10th. Together, let’s look at how these times are impacting your relationship with food: what you are eating, how you are eating, how you feel about your body. If you have questions for Geneen, please email them to: AskGeneen@GeneenRoth.com.
Tuesday, November 10 -- 5:30 pm Pacific Time
Click below to join the call via the internet and use the unique MEETING CODE and PASSWORD to enter. To convert your local time to Pacific Time, use this Time Zone Converter.
How to "be" on this webinar: Call in FIVE minutes early. Give yourself extra time to settle in a quiet, undisturbed place. Remain muted during the call.
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Meeting ID: 875 3889 8269 - Passcode: 040865
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Meeting ID: 875 3889 8269 - Passcode: 040865