Sign Up to Join us Saturday, October 29
10:30 am Pacific Time
11:30 am Mountain Time, 12:30 pm Central Time, 1:30 pm Eastern Time
Talk to me. Write to me. Send your questions to: AskGeneen@GeneenRoth.comTalk to me about what matters to you.
Talk to me about what keeps you stuck with food.
Talk to me about what’s scary about breaking free, even though you want it so very much.
Talk to me about what you believe you are worth.
Talk to me about the food secrets you keep hidden.
And what food really means to you.
Talk to me.
Send me your questions, your concerns, your fears — and I will listen and talk to you.
About the role of kindness and how most of us are unutterably mean to ourselves without realizing it.
About the true secret to breaking free.
About the freedom and peace that are one blink away.
About retreats and paying attention to what you love.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.