Sign Up to Join us Monday, May 9, 12:00 Noon Pacific Time
As I was walking through the hills today, and feeling wildly happy by the neon-green-freshness popping up everywhere, I was thinking that now would be a perfect time to step out from old patterns, to have a spring release.
With that thought, I realized that I receive so many deep, soul-searching emails with questions about our compelling relationship with food: why it is a doorway to our inner lives, what to do at night when we just want to eat and eat, why coming to a retreat can make all the difference.
And now -- the day before our spring retreat starts -- would be the perfect time to answer your questions about the little and big thing that's on your mind and in your heart. While there's still time to join us this week at our May 10-15 retreat (two spots are still open).
So ... TOMORROW, Monday, May 9, at Noon Pacific Time, I'll do just that: a free live question and answer session. Sign up, join me, and experience what happens, what's possible, when we come together.
I love being with you on these virtual webinars. I love showing you that you don’t need to keep suffering. That no matter what you’ve done or how many times you’ve done it, freedom is possible for you.