Practice Day – Home Page

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Schedule uses Pacific Time. To check the correct time in your area, go to:

Saturday, January 14, 2023

10:30 am Pacific Time:   Eating Together
1:30 pm Pacific Time:   Afternoon Session


10:30 am PT  - Eating Meditation

Bring your hunger and a meal for the Eating Meditation session.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID:     853 8554 9963
Passcode:   100675

One tap mobile:
+13126266799,,85385549963#,,,,*100675# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,85385549963#,,,,*100675# US

Phone Connection: 
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


1:30 pm PT  - Afternoon Session

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID:     878 8482 2170
Passcode:   396162

One tap mobile:
+16469313860,,87884822170#,,,,*396162# US
+19292056099,,87884822170#,,,,*396162# US (New York)

Phone Connection: 
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


ZOOM APP:   Update your Zoom app to the most recent version. You will be prompted at the beginning of each session, as you sign in, to "allow" the ZOOM App.  Make sure you "ALLOW".
  1. Login 5-10 minutes early to each session.  
  2. BEFORE the session start time, you will be in the “Waiting Room”.
  3. When the session opens, you will be automatically moved into the Meeting Room.
  4. Stay muted, settle in, enjoy the music, and wait for Geneen.
  5. If you arrive late:  make sure you are muted and turn your video on when you join a session. 
NEED HELP?  If you have a problem or question (technical, personal, other), please do reach out to us. We’re always here to help. As I, Judy, am the main person to contact … and am also the main technical support during sessions, please use the following different ways to contact me, depending on the urgency and/or nature of the problem/issue/question:
    • Text:  for more urgent issues during a session (need an answer in minutes), text me at:  703-401-0871. Be sure to start the text with YOUR FULL NAME so I can know quickly who is texting me.
    • Email:  for something that is not urgent (question, suggestion, anything). Best email:
    • Phone:  when we are NOT in session, I am available by phone at 703-401-0871.


TERMS & CONDITIONS   By purchasing a ticket to attend the Geneen Roth July 16, 2022 Practice Day and accessing the Home Page, you agree to the terms below. Please contact me with any questions/concerns.
  1. I will not write about, publish or publicize the content of the Practice Day and any portion thereof, without the written permission of Geneen Roth and Associates (GR&A).
  2. I understand and agree that I will NOT separately record any of the sessions, by audio or video. I also understand and agree that photography (screen shots) of the Practice Day are not permitted and shall not be shared on social media or any other form of publication (digital or printed).
  3. I acknowledge and agree that GR&A will be recording all sessions of the Practice Day, and GR&A may at its sole discretion use these recordings, screen shot photography or audio files, including the participation of any or all participants therein (yourself included), in any and all media, provided that GR&A will take reasonable efforts to disguise my personal identity.
  4. I understand that I am responsible for providing and configuring any electronic equipment (computer, laptop, smart phone, or tablet) that is used to attend and view the online retreat. I also understand that it is my responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of my electronic equipment and ensure sufficient WiFi internet connection before the Practice Day sessions begin. If I am experiencing any technical difficulties, I acknowledge that I must contact my internet provider for technical support.
  5. I understand that all content, written, audio and video recordings, of the July 16, 2022 Practice Day with Geneen Roth is copyrighted © 2022 and owned by Geneen Roth and Geneen Roth & Associates, Inc., all rights reserved.