Online Course (Test)
Geneen has recorded two audio courses based on her #1 NY Times bestseller Women Food and God. Each course offers eight 90-minute session that compliment each. Combined they offer a comprehensive guide to Geneen's teachings.
Enroll now and learn from Geneen at your own pace. Transform your relationship with food and your body in ways you never thought possible.
Women Food and God Online Retreat:
Course 1: The Principles
Your relationship to food, no matter how conflicted, is the doorway to freedom. The Women Food and God Online Retreat is, quite simply, a guide for your life. Over the 8-part program, Geneen outlines the basic principles and many practices that are the foundation of her program for change and transformation.
In this "Women Food and God" Self-Guided Online-Retreat, you have a unique opportunity to study with and be inspired by Geneen Roth in the comfort of your home. You'll have unrestricted access to all of the audio and text content of this transformational Online-Retreat whenever you want.
Your Personal Invitation from Geneen Roth to Allow Her to Guide You to Change Your Life by Taking Advantage of the "Women Food and God" Self-Guided Online-Retreat.
It's never been true, not anywhere at any time, that the value of a soul, of a human spirit, is dependent on a number on a scale.
No matter how sophisticated or wealthy or broke or enlightened you are, ho you eat tells all.
IF you are a repeat dieter or someone who has lost weight many times only to discover that the happier life you thought you'd have was still missing, if you believe you can't be trusted around food or are about to give up hope of ever getting to the other side of obsession, I know how you feel. I've been there myself and know that the deprivation and tough talk don't work. Not in the long run.
I want to teach you another way, a kinder way, a way that actually works. It's not just a way to eat, it's also a way to live.
Over a period of six weeks, I presented a life Online Retreat, the content of which will allow you to open a door to show you how to stop punishing yourself and rediscover your own loveliness - your own shine.
Each Online Course Includes:
- Eight 90- minute audio sessions with Geneen
- Ability to listen to each session streaming online ... or download MP3 files to your computer, smart phone, iPod, iPad, or MP3 player.
- Unlimited life-time access.
- PDF summaries for each session and bonus online reviews.
Having been through this myself, I know that it can be daunting to leave your old ways behind. But I assure you that you won't look back once you've walked though that door.
The most challenging part of any system that addresses weight-related issues is that unless it also addresses the part of you that wants something that you can't name - the heat of your heart, not the size of your thighs - it won't work. When we contact the part of ourselves that is fresh and alive. We touch the life we truly want. We evoke divinity itself.
Your relationship to food, no matter how conflicted, is the doorway to freedom. The "Women Food and God" Self-Guided Online-Retreat is, quite simply, a guide for your life.
Begin now by purchasing access to all of the Content of this powerful Retreat, and discover how to use your relationship with food as your path to physical, emotional and spiritual fulfillment!
Geneen Roth
Author of "Women Food and God"
Who Can Benefit by Enrolling in the "Women Food and God" Self-Guided Online-Retreat?
YOU need the information, guidance and coaching provided in the "Women Food and God" Self-Guided Online-Retreat if your...
- Think about food or eating or your weight more often than you'd like - or worse, almost every moment of every day.
- Have tried many diets, lost weight, and gained it back again and again.
- Struggle with your weight, your feelings about yourself, and your relationship with food.
- Use food to medicate, drown, or hide your feelings from yourself or others.
- Feel hopeless about ever being free from your obsession with food, eating, or your weight.
- Eat when you're not hungry and don't stop when you've had enough.
- Feel that there's something missing in your life that you try to fill with food.
- Have trouble believing in your own worthiness.
- Feel angry or ashamed with yourself because of the size of your body.
- Know that there's something more to being alive but don't know how to find it.
What Will You Learn by Enrolling in the "Women Food and God" Self-Guided Online-Retreat?
- Eng your war with food, once and for all.
- Eat when you're hungry - and stop when you are not.
- Recognize and stop listening to The Voice of shame that tells you that who you are is too much or not good enough (and that ending this war with food is not possible!). Instead; you will learn to treat yourself with the kindness and curiosity that will unlock your obsession with food.
- Stop using food as a drug, attempting to medicate boredom or illness or loss of grief or emptiness or loneliness or rejection or any other feeling that you'd prefer no to be experiencing.
- Connect with life in the here and now, and understand what you are really searching for.
- Take in the goodness that is already present in your life.
- Inhabit and appreciate the body you have.
- Learn that no situation is unworkable, ever.
- Stop allowing food and your body size to be the apparent causes of your discomfort and learn how to celebrate your sometimes messy but always magnificent life.
Just Six Short Weeks to Transforming Your Relationship to Food and Taking Your Life Back
The "Women Food and God" Self-Guided Online-Retreat is delivered in six Parts. Each Part is presented as a 90-minute audio, accompanied by a text Summary / Worksheet.
In each of the six Parts of this course, Geneen...
Presents the topic.
Answers the most frequently asked and poignant questions submitted by participants in the live event.
Presents a Guided Imagery to help ground, center and guide you into action.
Provides you with one "personal" and one "eating-related" Practice, designed to help you make powerful, positive changes in your relationship to food and eating.
You gain immediate access to all of the content - which you can listen to and implement at your own pace. As part of your enrollment, you will receive six weeks of online coaching by Geneen, set up as if you were participating in the live course. You can use Geneen's guidance to walk you step-by-step along a six-week path - which allows you to integrate her teachings and initiate each Part's Practice for week before moving on to the next - or you can move more slowly or more quickly, according to your own desire and progress.
You can listen to the audios over the Internet using your Web browser, and/or download the mp3 audio files to your computer, iPod, mp3 audio files to your computer, iPod mp3 player or other portable media device so you can listen and be informed and inspired by Geneen over and over again, wherever you are, whenever you want.
You can read the text Summaries / Worksheets over the Internet using your Web browser, and/or download them as .pdf Adobe Acrobat documents to your computer, so you can read them on your computer and/or print them out and refer to them over and over again any time you want.