Thank you for RSVPing to join Geneen and your retreat community LIVE via ZOOM on Thursday, December 31st. Let's come together for some reflective time ... and a gift from a special guest!
Click below to join the call via the internet and use the unique MEETING CODE and PASSWORD to enter. To convert your local time to Pacific Time, use this Time Zone Converter.
THURSDAY, December 31st - Noon - 2:00 pm Pacific Time
How to "be" on this webinar:
- Call in EARLY ... at least FIVE minutes. Give yourself extra time to settle in a quiet, undisturbed place. Also,
- Remain muted unless called upon!
To avoid experiencing trouble logging in, JOIN EARLY (up to 15 minutes or more). And if you encounter problems, keep on trying. When many are attempting to login at the same time, you may get an error message. It may also help to refresh your browser (or use a different browser).
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 8727 2179
Passcode: 811452
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,84787272179#,,,,,,0#,,811452# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,84787272179#,,,,,,0#,,811452# US (New York)