End Your Suffering With Food – Thank You

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End Your Suffering With Food

Click Here to Download Your E-Book

When you follow the Action Steps in this free E-Book, you'll learn the tools to reset your patterns around food:

  • How to tell if you are really hungry
  • What your body actually wants to eat
  • To joy of eating without distractions
  • How to stop when your body has enough
  • What to do in the middle of a binge

No matter how many times you've tried and failed, you can change. It isn't magic; it isn't luck; it's possible for you.

Our Eating Meditations are a cornerstone of our 4-day retreats: the time when (yes, even over Zoom)
we bring our food and eat together. And our socks are knocked off by what we learn.

During our November 2024 Online Retreat, you'll be in the company of others like yourself,
with the same longings, and experience first-hand eating what your body wants, without distractions, until you're satisfied. 

Women Food and God
Online Retreat with Geneen Roth

Discover the Secrets to
Breaking Free from Emotional Eating

November 14-17, 2024
LIVE on Zoom

Click Here for More Information

“I thought I liked brownies.
Craved brownies.
But now, when I eat one bite by bite, 
I realize I don’t even like the taste!”

- Kathy Jenkins