Bridge Calls with Geneen – Summer/Fall 2023

These 75-minute meetings on ZOOM offer an opening to step back into our retreat community for a group session. You’ll have the opportunity to explore what’s happening now, to work interactively, and to witness and learn from the work of others.

Meetings are recorded and available to view streaming online after the session has ended. All subscribers to a Bridge Call series receive email notification in advance of each session with ZOOM connection information, as well as a follow-up email with the link to view the recorded session.

BRIDGE CALL TIMES: 5:30-6:45 pm PT

Geneen's Upcoming BRIDGE CALL Dates:

  • Tuesday, June 27
  • July - no bridge call
  • Tuesday, August 29
  • Tuesday, September 26
  • Tuesday, October 31

Join Geneen for the remaining four Zoom sessions in this series at a discounted tuition ... or join just for the upcoming call June 27th for a one-time fee of $75.

Remaining Series Tuition: $285
June 27 Call Only: $75

Payment and Cancellation Policy: Geneen's Bridge Call Series fee due with registration. Four-call fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. No refunds for missed calls.