February 2021 InBetween – Recordings

The recordings will be available to review through February 28, 2021.

NOTE:  This webpage is for the exclusive access of students who attended the February 2021 InBetween with Geneen. By opening this page, you have acknowledged and agreed that you shall NOT share your private access to this replay page.


Thursday, February 18 - Opening Session

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Access Passcode: Feb18Open#


Friday, February 19 - Movement & Meditation with Lauren

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Access Passcode: Feb19MM#

Friday, February 19 - Eating Meditation/Group Session with Geneen

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Access Passcode: Feb19EM#

Friday, February 19 - Afternoon Session with Lauren and Geneen

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Access Passcode: Feb19Aft#


Saturday, February 20 - Movement & Meditation with Lauren

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Access Passcode: Feb20MM#

Saturday, February 20 - Eating Meditation/Group Session with Geneen

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Access Passcode: Feb20EM#

Saturday, February 20 - Afternoon Session with Geneen

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Sunday, February 21 - Movement & Meditation with Lauren

CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view recording.


Access Passcode: Feb21MM#

Sunday, February 21 - Closing Session with Geneen

TWO VIDEOS for this Session. CLICK below and add the password when promoted to view each recording.

Opening https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/RfbpqtxulOCNOBTvmJsKtHT1EIwaHkCC-4MRUKQBsE3hGTXRB4fWy40mBz4iJMTt.POhxSQk3xW38Va9R

Access Passcode: Feb21Close#1

After Groups https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/NN3VDi11ByPYezTd2jotf9k-JLnuZVdh_QiBdaTeWZC70YEekU7ok7XCUWxnDI32.0xSqI-_B2-lFG5XI

Access Passcode: Feb21Close#2